69 Signals

  1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences

    Have been a disaster for the human race.
  2. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down

    There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.
  3. If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful

    It had best break down sooner rather than later
  4. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system

    Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society.
  5. Focus on One Task: Passing the Buck

    Accountability? Overrated. Always have someone else to blame.
  6. Hire Cheap, Fire Fast

    The ideal candidate is the one willing to work for free, indefinitely.
  7. Agile = Just Keep Changing the Goalposts

    It’s not failing, it’s pivoting.
  8. The Customer Is (Rarely) Right

    They don’t know what they want, but they’ll know when you screw up.
  9. Outsource Everything

    Including your moral compass.
  10. Inbox Zero is a Myth

    Inbox 69 is the sweet spot.
  11. Pretend to Care About Work-Life Balance

    Just don't actually let them have one.
  12. Microdose on Self-Importance

    Keep that ego sharp and ready. You’re a disruptor, baby!
  13. Be a Thought Leader

    Even if your only thought is, “How can I get out of work today?”
  14. Visionaries Don’t Need Plans

    That’s why you’re still writing “disruptive” blog posts 12 years later.
  15. Synergy is Just Fancy Foreplay

    Buzzwords are sexy, but no one knows what they mean. Use them generously.
  16. Disrupt Yourself

    If you can’t disrupt an industry, disrupt your team. Cause chaos, call it innovation.
  17. Meetings After 6 PM are “Happy Hours”

    What better way to discuss KPIs than three shots deep?
  18. Churn is the New Growth

    Customers leave because they can’t handle how awesome you are. Clearly.
  19. Never Test Anything

    Testing is for people who aren’t confident in their terrible ideas.
  20. Your MVP Should Be Barely Viable

    Who needs a functioning product when you’ve got a killer logo?
  21. If It’s Not Broken, Fix It Anyway

    Or break it on purpose. Keeps things interesting.
  22. Work Remotely, Lead From the Beach

    True leadership means sipping margaritas while others grind.
  23. Delegate Everything Except Credit

    Ownership is for suckers. But the credit? That’s all you, baby.
  24. Rebrand Often

    Because who remembers what your company does anymore? Not you.
  25. Run Your Company Like It’s a Cult

    Every leader needs loyal, unquestioning followers. Offer Kool-Aid.
  26. Growth Hacks? More Like Shortcut Hacks

    Because hard work is for people without a trust fund.
  27. Cut Corners Like You’re Racing Mario Kart

    Avoid blue shells, but drop a banana peel for competitors.
  28. Work Hard, Play Harder – At Someone Else’s Expense

    The trick is having someone else foot the bill.
  29. Customers Love Mystery

    Don’t explain what your product does. Let them guess.
  30. Charge a Premium for Half the Features

    Why sell a full product when you can sell a beta version for twice the price?
  31. Iterate Until Your Team Quits

    If they aren’t complaining, you’re not innovating enough.
  32. Spam is a Feature, Not a Bug

    If your customers aren’t inundated with emails, you’re not engaging them.
  33. Fire Quickly, Hire Slower

    New blood keeps things fresh. Also, who needs stability?
  34. Your Company Culture Should Be as Toxic as Your Product

    People work best under pressure, right?
  35. Your Roadmap Should Be a Maze

    Clear goals are for people with direction. You’re unpredictable!
  36. Reinvent the Wheel

    Then charge 10x for it and call it “Wheel 2.0.”
  37. Everything Is a Disruption

    Even your daily bowel movements. Announce it.
  38. Burnout is the New Black

    If your team isn’t exhausted, they aren’t working hard enough.
  39. Your Brand Story is Basically Fan Fiction

    Tell the world you started in your garage. Even if you didn’t have one.
  40. Customer Feedback is Optional

    If they complain, just send them more spam.
  41. Analytics Are for People Without Intuition

    Numbers can’t tell you what your gut instinct already did.
  42. Aim for the Fortune 420, Not the Fortune 500

    Because business is always better when you’re a little *higher* up.
  43. First to Market, First to Screw Up

    Make your mistakes fast and then pivot like a magician.
  44. Partnerships Are Just a Fancier Word for Freeloading

    Let them do the work while you take the credit.
  45. Your Product is Only as Good as Its Buzz

    Who needs functionality when you’ve got a killer social media campaign?
  46. Hire a Consultant to Confirm What You Already Know

    It’s always good to hear your echo, just more expensive.
  47. Multi-Level Marketing is Just a Pyramid Scheme in Fancy Pants

    If it works for them, it works for you.
  48. Any Press is Good Press

    Scandal? Perfect. Time to boost engagement!
  49. Optimize for Distraction

    Multitasking is just doing more things poorly. Perfect the art.
  50. Invest in Crypto, Tell No One

    Because when it tanks, at least you can say you were ahead of the curve.
  51. Hustle is Just Another Word for Avoiding Burnout

    Keep moving and no one will know you’re dead inside.
  52. Reinvent the Office Ping Pong Table

    The only culture your startup really needs.
  53. Offer Equity Instead of Salary

    When they go broke, they’ll still be “owners.”
  54. Ask Forgiveness, Not Permission

    Or just never apologize. It’s a power move.
  55. Your Startup Should Be Half Startup, Half Daycare

    Hand-hold them until they cry, and then let them run free.
  56. Tech Debt is an Investment

    It’s not debt. It’s just a future problem for future you.
  57. What’s in a name?

    Mankind constantly analyzes radio waves from outer space in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Since this analysis started, almost all of the signal sources have been identified. 69 signals, however, remain unexplained.